Bench Ads
The inspiration for this series of deliverables was inspired by seeing a bench ad that advertised "if you're reading this, this ad works" and it gave me the idea of creating bus bench ads that would be within the bookstore's budget for advertisements to attract college students.
Icon and Wordmark Mockup
Icon Mockup
Icon Mockup
Wordmark Mockup
Wordmark Mockup
Indoor Signages
Comics & Manga
Comics & Manga
Vinyl Albums
Vinyl Albums
Tote bags
Tote bag one
Tote bag one
Tote bag two
Tote bag two
Read Bro
Read Bro
Man Reading "Censored" Material
Man Reading "Censored" Material
Punch Cards
Gift Cards
Social Media Mockup
Light Mode
Light Mode
Dark Mode
Dark Mode

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